Enjoying your summer season is about more than a jam-packed itinerary or hopping on a flight every chance you get. Sometimes, it’s about taking advantage of the space around you and creating your own vacation right...

Creating your workspace during the summer season is so important. Instead of feeling constantly distracted and disorganized, you can transform your space to bring productivity and relaxation. Here at Artifox, we believe crafting a space...

Have you ever wondered who is behind the scenes at Artifox? We sat down with our co-founder,  Sarah Mirth, to get to know more about her journey as a female founder and business owner.  Join...

We recently had the  opportunity to collaborate with creator @ThisIsE on a few Artifox products. One of our favorite things is seeing how you create your space using our pieces and how the space comes...

What’s the first thing you see when you walk into your home? For most of us, it’s an entryway or small space where we feel welcomed home. As the first impression of the house, we...

Now that we have fully entered spring and are officially on the road to summer, the time to get organized is down to the wire. Luckily, we’re here to help. With just a few Artifox...

Artifox pieces are about more than just making your home feel like a place of peace and focus. We also love working with companies to create that ideal workspace for their employees, a nice stay...

With spring comes the season of cleaning and decluttering your space. We’re here to help you find just the right tools to get your home in better shape and set up in your ideal way....